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Insights of North Dakota
The Insights.nd.gov is the state’s official source for information about public education across North Dakota. The information is provided by partner agencies through the Statewide Longitudinal Data System and is brought about through the collaborative work efforts of the following North Dakota agencies: Dept. of Public Instruction, Career and Technical Education, ND University System, Job Service ND, Dept. of Commerce, school districts and work force development programs. Insights.nd.gov is intended to inform policy makers, agencies, researchers and communities on ND public schools and workforce development on many topics, including public education. The site is expected to contain more information as it becomes available.
Please note, the data made available to the public masks or hides data for groups with 10 or fewer students to protect confidential information about individual students.
For questions concerning K-12 education data, please contact the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. Phone: (701) 328-2260
You may also direct questions regarding our specific district data to Ryan Moser at (701) 678-2492.
Village Family Service Center
Collaboration between North Sargent Public School and the Village Family Service Center offering onsite mental health therapy is starting its 5th school year this fall. If you are interested in looking into services for your child(ren) you can visit the village website https://www.thevillagefamily.org/content/school-based-mental-health-services or contact the school at (701) 678-2492 for more information on the program.
House Bill 1389
House Bill (HB) 1389 went into effect August 1, 2017. This bill states, "A student's parent may direct the school district in which the student is enrolled not to administer to the student any state test or state assessment required in accordance with section 15.1-21-08."
Parents will need to complete an individual form for each student and each assessment from which they wish to be exempt, as well as the school year in which they are requesting exemption. The form is to be completed each year by the parent in order for the student to be exempt in the current school year.